Why Should I donate to the Library?
I pay my taxes, why should I donate additional money to the public library?
Municipal taxes can’t do the whole job. Although many of us think that the library is fully supported by municipal taxes – it isn’t. Nor do we receive any funds from the State or the Federal government. Donors create life-changing programs, services, spaces, and collections that wouldn’t be possible with government funding alone.
I don’t even use the library, why would I donate money towards something I don’t even use?
You may not use the library, but I’ll bet someone you love does. You do not donate to cancer research only if you have cancer. You donate because it is important to your family, friends, and community. You may have grandchildren who use the library. Maybe your parents are getting up there in years, and the one thing they still enjoy is their ability to read. Donating to the library will leave a lasting imprint on the City of Mondovi. Also, the library is a great investment. For every $1.00 spent on the library, the value returned is $4.06 to the Wisconsin economy. Wisconsin Public Libraries contribute more than $326 million annually to the Wisconsin economy.
Everything is going digital. Libraries are becoming obsolete. I’m not going to give money towards something that won’t even be around 10 years from now.
When e-readers were released to the public, there was an initial downturn in library usage. However, in the years following the initial boom, library usage is again increasing, while e-reader usage is coming down slightly. Turns out, many people find their paper books preferable to their digital ones! Libraries have also done a lot of things to “reinvent” themselves. They are becoming more of a community destination as opposed to a quiet area for studying and reading. Your donations can help us immensely in this time of transition. We need to increase our space, number of hours we are open, and the amount of staff time spent at the library in order to make the transition to community destination.
I can find everything that I need on the internet. There is no need for a public library.
You may be able to find a lot of things on the internet, but not everything. Can the internet help you if you don’t know where on the internet to look? A librarian certainly can. Can the internet proofread your resume before you apply for a job? Nope, but your librarian can. Can the internet read your child a story and engage them in an activity that keeps them entertained? Maybe. But a librarian at a Story Time program will do a better job. I would bet on it. Also, the internet is not free. Many people rely on the public library to keep up with their e-mail, news, and other things that are available on the internet. And just because you can find it on the internet, doesn’t mean that you will understand it. Librarians and the community of people who use the library are here to support you in obtaining exactly the information that you need.
Why Does the Library Need Donations?
1. The Library desperately needs more space. We are running out of room for our children’s programs. We must get rid of books that don’t get checked out a lot much sooner than we would like in order to make room for new materials.
2. The Library is not accessible to all of Mondovi’s residents. Yes, we do have a ramp and an old elevator, and the truly dedicated patron can certainly make use of them if they REALLY want to get into the library. But how many of our elderly citizens don’t come to the Library because it is such a hassle? Doesn’t everyone deserve easy access to all that the Library has to offer?
What Can I Do to Help?
1. Set up a monthly donation to the Mondovi Public Library General Fund. Most of the Library Board members donate $20 per month. Imagine what we could do if everyone donated just $5 a month!
2. Donate a set amount to the Mondovi Public Library annually, quarterly, or monthly. Donations to the Library are tax deductible. What would $50 per year per household look like?
3. Talk with your family and financial adviser about leaving a gift to the library when you pass on. You can add the Mondovi Public Library as a beneficiary on any life insurance policy or other benefit payable upon death. Speak with an estate planner about remembering the Mondovi Public Library in your Last Will and Testament.
4. SPREAD THE WORD! One of the biggest obstacles to funding is a lack of understanding of what the Library provides. We offer so much more than books. Too many people are surprised when they find out that we are here, and even more surprised when they find out that, in addition to books, we have movies, audio books, early literacy programs, public computers, and SO MUCH MORE!
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